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Historical Event on 7/21/1984

Terrorists breach Bhakra canal in Punjab.

Other Historical Dates and Events
3/12/1993Powerful bomb blasts at twelve various places in Mumbai takes 317 lives.
1/5/1995India receives first consignment of Chinese Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) for the 2 US built Tarapur nuclear plant with the approval of IAEA.
4/1/1973India starts a drive to save tigers from extinction.
2/28/1967General Election ( 4th) of India ends.
2/6/1952George VI (1895-1952), King of the United Kingdom, died of lung cancer at the age of 56 (succeeded by daughter, Elizabeth II). In 1947, His title of Emperor of India was deleted.
11/27/1998India retains the Asia Cup tennis championship in Delhi beating Uzbekistan 2-1 in the final.
5/31/1994Pandit Samtaprasad, famous Tabla player, passed away.
8/18/2000The Supreme Court rejects a petition filed by former Navy chief Vishnu Bhagwat challenging his dismissal from service and the consequent direction stripping him of the title Admiral.
11/11/1888Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, freedom fighter, was born in Mecca. He was an outspoken champion of rationalism and progressiveness in all spheres of Indian life.
10/21/1999Madhavrao Scindia becomes the Deputy Leader of Congress (I) in the Lok Sabha.