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Please note Join Us For A Vibrant And Joyful Celebration Of Holi occurred in past.

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Join Us For A Vibrant And Joyful Celebration Of Holi

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Join Us For A Vibrant And Joyful Celebration Of Holi

by Madheshi Association In America in Artesia

Event Type: Entertainment Event

Holi Events in Los Angeles

Admission : General Admission
$ 20.00


MAA SO CAL celebrate the vibrant and joyous Holi festival every year. This event promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with colors, music, and delicious food.

As you step into the park, you will be greeted with a lively atmosphere buzzing with excitement and anticipation. The air will be filled with the sounds of laughter, music, and traditional drums, creating a festive ambiance that will instantly uplift your spirits.

One of the highlights of the event is the provision of free shirts and colors. Get ready to immerse yourself in a riot of colors as you playfully smear vibrant powders on your friends and family, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil and the arrival of spring. Let your inhibitions go and embrace the spirit of Holi as you create beautiful and colorful memories.


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Event Information: Join Us For A Vibrant And Joyful Celebration Of Holi by Madheshi Association In America

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Join Us For A Vibrant And Joyful Celebration Of Holi Occured in past

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